Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Current Bid: $1, I hear $1,700 ? remember, price includes trailer.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Well.... The price has gone up some from when I looked last week. At $1,225 it's still probably about half of a new Sunny, but with shipping from Florida added in, it can't go much higher before I might as well buy a new one in New Jersey. By the way, did you notice the funky rigging on this boat? There's some kind of goose neck where the upper spar meets the mast, and that joint is at least two feet down from the top of the mast. What up with that?

Friday, January 23, 2004

smart guy - has a spare tire for his trailer (besides the spare tire under his shirt). can you trailer a trailer behind a trailer? hmmm.... my sail # is 71371371 no..... that's not it - it's 79032. you could take the kids to disneyworld, then drive up from there to boston, deposit it in my backyard. hey it even has a compass! cool.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

aaaaaahhhhh, a sail with a window...pretty clean looking hull...old school daggerboard...nice Cooper Mini in the driveway...that guy ain't no supermodel...the boat must belong to his kid because with that gut a Sunfish couldn't float him...the price is right so far...but Orlando, Fl is a problem...hey, Linda, what's your sail #?...thanks for thinking about keeping us are correct, we are planning on an upgrade boat to run against Cher in '04.o

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

check out item #2455569013 on ebay... a worthy opponent for cher?