Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Kyle 2005, originally uploaded by rosschristie.

Here is a picture of the player who led his team, The Predators, in scoring (5 goals & 7 assists).

Dang that's a big fish

Originally uploaded by lindachr.

Friday, May 13, 2005

big news at the GSP

Widening of Parkway Is Planned on Jersey Shore...

Garden State Parkway upgrade: Good or Bad?
It's about time!
45 years too late...
Traffic? What traffic?
Exit 63 baby, I'm there!
Grumble... Grumble... change. bad.


Free polls from

Friday, May 06, 2005

The Next Generation

I told you that Kyle can sail faster than I can ! Watch out this summer, I think he's getting serious about the Barnegat Light Regatta.

a bit larger for those of us with over 50 eyesight?

Thursday, May 05, 2005


CoverGirl, originally uploaded by rosschristie.

Look, there's mom on the cover!