Friday, August 24, 2007

Rounding the Mark

Grey sky & pretty sails.

A year of planning, and they picked this week???

For those of you who have left the NJ region, here's a brief description of the weather in relation to the 2007 Sunfish World Championship race schedule:

Saturday, 8/18 - travel day - warm and sunny;
Sunday, 8/19 - practice race - dark and drizzly;
Monday, 8/20 - first race day - rain;
Tuesday, 8/21 - second race day - LOTS of rain;
Wednesday, 8/22 - third race day - overcast and rain;
Thursday, 8/23 - last race day - overcast and rain, skies clearing by nightfall;
Friday, 8/24 - boat return - warm and sunny.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Catch a Wave and You're Sittin on Top of the World

Today, August 1, 2007 Caroline and I each caught waves and rode them. Standing. 2 or 3 each. The water today was better than I have ever experienced on LBI.

Bumper Sticker Question

How do I transfer a cell phone picture (LBTBP on a Prius parked on Torrey Pines Rd, San Diego) to a computer? Do I need a fancy USB cable? That's Long Beach Township Beach Patrol, baby!