Bringing crabbing back to Barnegat Bay
Posted by Andrew Mulok/The Star-Ledger on January 7, 2010 at 05:21 PM
Human activities over the past 50 plus years has degraded Barnegat Bay and much of the shellfish living in it. Loss of wetlands due to development, over fertilizing, waste, chemically treated lumber among other things have had a cumulative effect on the health of the bay. The Barnegat Bay Crab Restoration Program is a partnership with the Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The program hopes to replenish the crabs, as well as educate people about the causes of the conditions of this delicate ecosystem. This season, volunteers of are re-introducing more than 2.5 million crabs in hope that a naturally reproducing crab population can return once again.