Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Friday is the UCSD annual Chancellor's Challenge 5k run. Finish before the Chancellor and he will donate $25 toward undergraduate scholarships and you get the respect of other runners. I ran 2 years ago and finished well behind the C. Although he is about 60 years he is a good runner. Suddenly I wish I wasn't so lazy on LBI. If I had trained with Linda and Dave on the Loveladies to Lighthouse to Loveladies runs I might have a shot. Instead I am fat and slow. My goals: to get a little exercise, to finish, to not throw up, to not have a heart attack, to meet some women, to set a time that I might better next year, to meet a woman, to not throw up, to get a fancy new t shirt, to get out of work for a few hours, and to not throw up.

The Fifty+ Flash

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