Thursday, August 19, 2004

Blau Painting Wins Contract

The west coast affiliate of Blau Painting has been granted the coveted contract to paint and restore the Casa Christie in La Costa. A classic example of California tract housing, the residence would no doubt be granted landmark status if all the other buildings in the state were suddenly to fall down.

A spokesman for a noted landmarks protection group, California Restorative Architectural Planners, noted, "We were initially worried that the contract was granted to a company with its roots on the east coast, because we thought the firm might be inappropriately concerned with quality. We learned, however, that the company has retained the services of a craftsman whose only qualifications are that he didn't happen to be doing anything else and he did happen to own the house. So we're confident that any impulse toward quality work will be sacrificed to cost-control and expediency, which is, of course, in keeping with the highest tradition of California tract house construction."

Indeed, after spending the better part of an afternoon on the initial wall-scraping phase of the project, the craftsman demonstrated his affinity for the California lifestyle by calling in sick to go body surfing for the next two days. He is reported to have explained, "I saw a TV commercial for spray-painting equipment, where this guy does his own house in about ten minutes and has so much fun that he runs off, does the rest of the neighborhood, and still gets home in time to have a beer before dinner. That was kind of my motivation to take this project, except of course that the neighbors can fend for themselves. I'd forgotten that painting involves actual physical labor."

Rosemary, how did you do this for a living?!! AAhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

1 comment:

Commodore Linda said...

At least you weren't sanding your hardwood floors like we did last weekend. Makes scraping paint seem like child's play! Oh my aching back... btw, don't forget to send our cut of the profits if you have any, which is very unlikely if you estimate your jobs anything like the east coast branch. We're too old for this crap! If you want to pay my transportation costs I'll be happy to come help spill paint, a skill I have perfected over years of apprenticeship.