Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Boogie Boarding and More

Went to the beach on Monday for a nice afternoon of wave riding. The were small but the water was warm. Maybe one out of every thirty waves was large enough to catch and that was just fine. Kyle and I were out there together (South Carlsbad State Beach, but we know it as "Rocky Beach") usually riding the same wave because they were so infrequent. The pair of fins that I bought fit o.k. in the store but in the surf world they are too tight. So, I gave them to Kyle and they fit 'little big foot' just fine. I went finless. Small waves are hard to catch without fins but if you stand just where they are about to break you can jump on the board and catch most . We were out there for about half an hour having a good time. We rode a wave nice in, hopped off our boards and started out again when I got xxxx. In a way I can't believe that I've never xxxxxxxxx considering the uncountable number of hours that I've been in the surf. But, now I have. At first it just feels like xxxxxxx into your xxxxx. Then, about five minutes later xxxxx. Let me tell you about the xxxxxxx. Fortunately Vanessa was with us, sitting in a beach chair, xxxxxxxxxx. There was no way that I could have driven home. Hot water, really, really hot water xxxxxxxxxxx. Drive faster Vanessa!!! Screw the red lights!!! Just keep driving!!! Faster!!! Meanwhile the xxxxxxx. Finally we got home and I got my xxxxx into xxxxxxxxxx. Wsheewww. A bottle of beer and a couple of shots of rum helped for a little while until the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Well, me and my xxxxxxxxxxxx stayed home from work the next day. The thing is fins would have xxxxxx if I was wearing them. I'll have to get a pair that fits next time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what are you, some kind of Girly Man???