Friday, October 29, 2004

No Chance

Schilling will not become the new name of my boat inasmuch as I have found out that he is a Bush supporter. Cher on the other hand is an outspoken Bush basher:

"Has everyone lost their f---ing minds? Doesn't anybody remember the illustrious Reagan-Bush years when people had no money and no jobs? What has happened to people's memories? It's like they have Alzheimer's or something ... If you're black in this country, if you're a woman in this country, if you are any minority in this country at all, what could possibly possess you to vote Republican?"

"If you think the president is an ass, fine -- after four years you can vote him out. But the Supreme Court -- that's 30 years! The Jerry Falwells of this world will be right in your back pocket. You won't have one f---ing right left."

"The environment in Texas is the worst environment in the United States. (Bush) has let people who pollute the environment have the choice to clean up the environment; that's like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.

"If you look at Bush's record, if you read Molly Ivins' book, 'Shrub,' it will show you exactly what he's done, what his record is. What he's done in his six years as governor is let other people make his judgments for him, and they tell him, they give him their opinions and he lets them do it. He's stated that he doesn't like to read. He wants someone to tell him what the issue is and give him their recommendation because he doesn't like to read. ... He's not smart enough to be in the White House."

"I don't like Bush. I don't trust him. I don't like his record. He's stupid. He's lazy."

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