As time has passed, the hill has kept sliding. You can see the deep, vertical brown patch above the black tarp; that's all newly exposed earth, and the black tarp marks the fence that used to be at the top of the hill.
You can also see a large pile of loose dirt between the two houses, dwarfing the man standing in front of it. It's there because the City of Carlsbad has moved in to put things right, apparently on a "remove dirt until there's no dirt to remove" plan. They started about 2:30 yesterday and have been working round the clock since then, filling large dump trucks that parade in and out.
(Raven's a little put out by all this, the poor puppy.)
There are vast new neighborhoods being built behind the rim of the hill, and some time ago the early phases of construction involved a lot of dynamiting, followed by the movement of a great deal of earth to create new hills and new flat areas upon which to build roads and houses. Everyone I've talked to in my neighborhood is not merely suspicious, but absolutely certain that all that work played an important part in precipitating this slide. I suspect there'll be some lawyers involved in all this before long.....
Last night when I got home from work at around 7 there were two large dump trucks in the cul-de-sac and two others staged down the road, a huge front loader truck and a big-time backhoe at work on the hillside. In addition there were three sets of floodlights set up on top of the hill and half a dozen supervisors standing around doing their supervision thing. Also there was a fine wine & pretzel party going on in a neighbor's driveway with lots of neighborly interest in the goings on. The whole scene looked like a contemporary version of 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind.' We waited but no space ships ever showed up.
and a port-a-potty too! you guys must have someone important living on your street.
we have some melting going on here but that's about it.. spring is around the corner. yesterday they gave out some cool drink containers in the cafeteria and i took two thinking "these will be perfect for the boat". so it (spring) must be getting closer.
and i was thinking we ought to have more races this year. like every day. not just the last day.
those thingies on top of the houses sure do look like alien spaceships to me.
wait a any chance do aliens wear orange space vests?
i've heard they can transform their space ships to look like indigenous transport vehicles (ITV) in this case, a Chevy pickup.
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