Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Second Annual Marge Christie Memorial Day Croquet Open

It was a beautiful day for the open - cool temperatures amid clear, sunny skies. With the south course temporarily taken out of commission, the decision was made to set up a short course on the east lawn. The grass was cut long, so a slow game was predicted. Graham (playing the black ball) leaps out to an early lead, but Caroline (playing blue) stays with him to the first stake. Stuart (playing red) roars past them as they struggle between themselves and looks to take an easy win . . . but wait! He gets caught in a bad lie in the mid-course trap! Steady strokes by Caroline lead to a lovely first-round victory, one stroke ahead of Stuart, who (finally out of the trap) just barely finishes a stroke ahead of Graham. Lauren (playing yellow, with some assistance from Cathie and her traditional playing stance) plays a solid game for fourth place, and Mom (playing green, and with a late start) comes in at the end. Game two, and all eyes are on Caroline. She jumps out to an early lead, but an unfortunate series of misstrokes leaves her stranded in the mid-course. Graham and Stuart race to the first stake and engage in a ferocious battle of ball-hitting. While they waste their precious strokes, Cathie (with her partner cheering her on) catches up at the stake, with Mom close behind. Caroline (finally out of the trap) gets back into the game, but it will prove to be too late for her. Graham, realizing the error of his ways, powers his way through the high grass and through the ninth and tenth wickets. Cathie and Stuart are left with no options but to try and keep up . . . but to no avail. Graham closes out the game nicely, a clear stroke ahead of Stuart who finishes one stroke ahead of Cathie. Mom closes out with a solid fourth and Caroline, despite a strong run from behind, ends up with a fifth.

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