Monday, January 01, 2007

A New Blogger?

Apparently there is a new "Blogger" which claims to have many new and improved features (naturally!). However, from what I can tell without switching over, it looks like all of us will need "Google Accounts" in order to post to in the future if I convert it over to the new system. While the improvements are dubious it's probably safe to say that eventually the new blogger will replace the old blogger so we might as well switch. I have a google account, how about the rest of us?


David said...

I didn't even you you could have a google account. Given that you can use google to find things without one, what's the purpose of having one (apart, of course, from getting bigger and better blogging)? How do you get one?

Just call me Mr Troglodyte....

Commodore Linda said...

Dear Mr. Troglodyte,

What do you think would happen if you googled "google account"?


Ms. Smarty Pants

David said...

Ah, so now I know that a google account is "the key that unlocks the world of Google." Good thing I checked...

I remain
Your must humble and obedient servant
Mr. Troglodyte

ross said...

I now have a Google account & can access the new Blogger.