Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Second Favorite Racing Rule

Rule 45 (and, once again, italics mine):

"A boat shall be afloat and off moorings at her preparatory signal. Thereafter, she shall not be hauled out or made fast except to bail out, reef sails or make repairs. She may anchor or the crew may stand on the bottom. She shall recover the anchor before continuing in the race unless she is unable to do so."

On the bottom of what? My first thought was the bottom of the boat, in which case I hope the crew can hold its breath and has a finely tuned sense of balance (as well as a finely tuned sense of the absurd). So I guess it means the bottom, as in where the water meets the underlying muck, which isn't of much use if you're racing out in the Pacific or anywhere else that the water's more than seven feet deep (there's that crew holding its breath again).

On the other hand, the latter interpretation works fine if you happen to be sailing Sunfish in Barnegat Bay. I can't wait for August!!!!

In any case, I hope "she" recovers her crew along with her anchor.....

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