But while we rested at port under canine command, I found I liked the boat so much that I had to take it out for some actual sailing. So Ross and I went out last week from San Diego Bay, rounded Point Loma, went out to sea a bit to avoid the kelp beds, then tacked back and forth to fetch the opening to Mission Bay. Didn’t quite make it all the way, but so what, when we spent an entire day that looked like this:
Plus we got to make a daring hat-overboard rescue, saw a mysterious wave moving against the swell that may have been the wake of a blue whale but probably wasn’t, drank some beer, and got to wear shorts in November.
We covered a total of about 18 nautical miles CMG (a shiny copper to anyone who can say what that stands for) and returned in darkness (sunset at 16:44, and sailing after dark is a treat in itself). Too slow? Not for my tastes; give me a brisk six knots any time!
1. chipotle mexican grill
2. california maritime gargantua
3. common measurement grid
4. control moment gyroscope
5. Coastal & Marine Geology
6. crazy monkey games
Computer Measurement Group
Continental Morris Garage
Order of St. Michael and St. George
Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences
Coastal & Marine Geology
course made good
CMG-the exclusive business representative for the estate of Helen Hayes, the first lady of American theatre
Well, it does actually mean "course made good," but I like "crazy monkey games" better, so Linda wins the shiny copper.
i love naut-speak. on said sail i was spotting for large clumps of weeds (kelp) & at one point i called out to capt. dave, "better turn a bit to the right, there's a lot of weed ahead" and cap replies, "you mean to starboard." "duh' says i, "starboard it is."
personally i liked chipotle mexican grill & so i am off to lunch on a course made good in search of the elusive kraken burrito.
"Cool, Man - Groovy!"
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