Perhaps you'll remember a little item in this blog from a while back, telling of the Aikido test in which Emma advanced from blue belt to brown. An achievement, certainly, but it left one more color (or is that the absence of all color?) for her to work toward.
Two weeks ago, she had her chance. By then, she had progressed to second kyu (mid-level brown) and was asked to test. The yudansha (black belts) acknowledged in advance that she might do so well as to join their ranks, but that would require her to move up two levels — by no means a certain thing. If she didn't have sufficient ki (or "schwartz," as Mel Brooks might say), she could always be promoted to first kyu (highest-level brown), and no shame in that.
The day arrived — the Friday of a week in which she had already endured four midterm exams. Talk about stress! That afternoon she and I cleared the furniture out of the living room and practiced all manner of attack and defense, just to warm her up.
And, finally, the test itself. She was great! I know that the fellow flying through the air in the photograph would agree.
If you remember that earlier blog entry, you'll remember it said that the yudansha sit in a line in a corner of the dojo, the better to judge everything the test-taker does. So, an added wrinkle: As a fairly new recipient of a black belt, I was one of them, sitting in judgment on Emma. It's possible I was more nervous than she was. When she had done all she would do, the yudansha had gathered to confer, and it came my term to comment, I began by saying, "I might be a little biased...." And it was quickly decided that that was all I would be allowed to say; I was given a pass.
The others, however, loved her performance, and so she is now Sho Dan — first-level black belt!
Congratulations Emma! Well done!!
may the schwartz be with you. nice going Emma.
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