Friday, December 26, 2003

Perhaps Jeeves can hold Dave's flashlight while he makes repairs to his yacht. I presume that is what the 1999 trophy winner is doing with his spare time.
(did I guess the year correctly?)

You fools....that wasn't just an ordinary rice was - ONE RICE COOKER TO RULE THEM ALL !!!

here it is, the winner of this year's yankee-swap (it's the dash that makes the difference!!)


Tuesday, December 16, 2003


just to give you fair warning, i have a new secret weapon for next year's races. it's white and has a window.

Monday, December 15, 2003

I'd take a 26-inch sloop if having a 15th birthday were still a possibility.

Friday, December 12, 2003

how would you like to get a 26 foot sloop for your 15th birthday?

story about famous yacht

Sunday, December 07, 2003

cher is buried under 2 feet of snow.
cannons are fine, but we will have to have surgeons on board. also, i would be happy to wear a coat like the captain had.

Thursday, December 04, 2003


Has everyone seen Master and Commander / Far Side of the World ? There is some stuff about sailing in the movie. And cannons. I think we should allow cannons in the 2004 regatta series just to make things 'interesting'.

Then thars that Pirates of the Caribbean film. Arrrrrr. Now that's yachting!


Saturday, November 01, 2003

Happy Halloween

I went trick-or-treating last night (with Kyle) in my best of all time costume....Old,when developed, to follow....the revolving lamp was the coolest part....Ross

Saturday, October 25, 2003

No way will I vote for.....

Maris Stella Yacht Club and Crabbing and Running and Barbie Society

Oh do my legs ache today. Walk it off. Walk it off.
i was just going to suggest that we vote on a name change to "and running society" when i noticed ross already took care of that. still no input from stu -- he told me (on the phone) that he was worried about viruses... and spending his time playing barbie with lauren. he pretends barbie is frankenstein. that's the way boys play barbie. congrats, ross!! we will look great on the loveladies-barney-loveladies. tomorrow is the roslindale trick or treat trot (5k). i think i may do it since it starts right down the street.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Maris Stella Yacht Club and Crabbing and Running Society

It was only a 5K but the important thing is that not only did I run it but I also have decided to keep running on a regular basis. So, summer 2004, a new-old runner will be sweating the Loveladies-Barney-loveladies trip. I met all my goals. I was a little concerned about the heart attack part since no training put some stress on the myocardial system but actually after 2Ks my breathing adjusted and it was just a matter of coping with leg muscle pain. The nice butt 10 meters ahead of me was just the inspiration I needed to keep going when the going got tough. But unfortunately she quit at about 4k and I had to go it alone to the finish. Someone passed me at about 1/2 K to go and I actually had enough to pass him back and we raced to the finish. We passed a few others and it felt great to finish strong. Probably only 400 or 500 runners finished before me. That means I finished in front of 800 or 900. Next year I'm going to win my age group! The Chancellor beat me by 6 minutes. My time? Hey, give me a break.

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

"He apparently had some personal problems we didn't know about — money problems, he was a little depressed, my parents moved away and stuff like that" said his brother...

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

This just in... a man survives plunge over Niagra Falls "with only the shirt on his back." No one has ever done this before. Ross
Friday is the UCSD annual Chancellor's Challenge 5k run. Finish before the Chancellor and he will donate $25 toward undergraduate scholarships and you get the respect of other runners. I ran 2 years ago and finished well behind the C. Although he is about 60 years he is a good runner. Suddenly I wish I wasn't so lazy on LBI. If I had trained with Linda and Dave on the Loveladies to Lighthouse to Loveladies runs I might have a shot. Instead I am fat and slow. My goals: to get a little exercise, to finish, to not throw up, to not have a heart attack, to meet some women, to set a time that I might better next year, to meet a woman, to not throw up, to get a fancy new t shirt, to get out of work for a few hours, and to not throw up.

The Fifty+ Flash

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

yesterday was the annual tufts 10k race for women --

1783 360/1187 F4049 56:59 9:11 59:14 LINDA CHRISTIE 49 2958 ROSLINDALE MA

compared with 2002:

2474 535/1132 F4049 59:10 9:32 1:00:48 LINDA CHRISTIE 48 4575 ROSLINDALE MA

hey, i improved!! yes, it's true, i threw up at the finish line, but it was worth it!!! :-)

Monday, October 13, 2003

way to go dave. looks like you benefitted from the experience of BLR #1.

Friday, October 10, 2003

First Place....that's where PURSUIT finished in her fleet last weekend with Dave as a member of the crew in the "Little Ensenada" (San Diego to Ensenada, Mexico) race.


Monday, October 06, 2003

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Cute Kitties......Cute Gorilla.......aahhhhhhhh.

Monday, September 29, 2003

i bet this never happens at the san diego zoo...

Sunday, September 28, 2003


here are pics of our new kittens, june (baby june) and gypsy (rose lee).

Friday, September 26, 2003

Quannapowitt Yacht Club...

I just checked out the website,, to take a little look at the place. A very nice club indeed. And guess what? It's located the end of Linda Road.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Last sunday we went to the zoo with our friends erica and gretchen and their twin girls, maud and harriet. or is it harriet and maud? oh well, aren't they cute?

Went sailing on saturday, which was fun since i hadn't been out on the water since LBI. my friends wendy and margaret took one of the club's mercury sailboats with rosemary, and i got reaquainted with cher. the wind was very light which was a surprise since i was expecting some residual effect of hurricane isabel. we raced around three markers, the mercury beat me on the downwind (first) leg (just barely), then it was all cher.... it was a nice sunny day, and there was a band playing at one end of the lake which was fun.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Captain Dave, Lieutenant Ross, and Midshipman “Krabby” Kyle put to sea Sunday on Blue Canoe, an Erickson 32. Had you thought to invent the perfect day for sailing, you could not have done better than this: an early-morning haze evaporating into cloudless sunshine; a breeze that was always fresh, never overpowering; and an ample supply of beer below decks. Once out on the ocean, we easily maintained speeds over six knots (it’s great to have electronic instruments!), although along the way we encountered Stars & Stripes (yes, the America’s Cup-class boat), which blew by us as if we were standing still.

Our course, to begin with, was south by west, but after a time we turned toward north. As we were about to put Point Loma between us and San Diego Bay, our midshipman’s inexperience unfortunately caught up with him — or, more precisely, his stomach caught up with him, not quite a match for the swell. So we headed back into the bay to spend a few hours in tranquil waters. There we sailed close by an anchored tall ship, Gloria, a training vessel in the Colombian Navy. (That is to say, we crossed her bow, raked her with our starboard broadside, then turned to pass close down on her starboard side to pick up any stragglers — at least, in our imagination.) We continued on downwind to the Coronado Bay Bridge, then tacked our way back to home port.

A great day! It did, however, prompt a question: When will Maris Stella Champion Linda, now a true sailor, come out to the West Coast for a cruise on a big boat in the open waters?

Friday, September 19, 2003

I just spoke with Kaptain Krabby Kyle and he says,


Walk the plank !!!

Sink all motorboats !!!!
avast maties

it's international talk like a pirate day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Sailors -

check this out...

looks good.
& it says "atlanta" but is actually close to boston, so maybe some potential buyers would be misled.

Monday, September 15, 2003

Live from the finish line of Reach the Beach 2003 ...

Linda "tinman" Christie manages to finish her third leg wishing she had a third (and fourth) leg, anatomically speaking of course. But thanks to her training partner at that other beach in August, she was well prepared for the grueling mostly flat but HOT HOT HOT final 6.5 mile run along the New Hampshire coast. Big thanks also to Lynn "I've done time" Ackerly for accompanying yours truly mid-way and to the rest of Van 2 for water at every mile: Michele "on the road again" Granda, Bob "the big girl" Kardosz, Amber "gazelle" Ward, and Carrie "Please don't squeeze the Charmin" Califano. A special thank you to Gretchen "Cranky" Dock who really does need to get running shoes for next year...

So without further ado, here it is, the official Girls Inc. team photo.

Our pace was an astonishing 8:35, finishing a full 2 minutes in front of Weapons of Ass Reduction.

-- Linda, "still having trouble with stairs"

Friday, September 12, 2003

Do You Believe....

Cher, live, San Diego, tonight !

Thursday, September 11, 2003

One other thing: You may be interested in checking out a web site,

A lot of these people will be strangers, but there's one face you'll recognize.......

An era has passed. The most recent Harbor Sailboats Capri 22 regata has come to an end, and for the first time in six or seven series, the Christie brothers did not take first place (or second, or third, for that matter). Of course, we eliminated ourselves from any real chance of winning by spending our time on Long Beach Island during the first day of racing. But in fact a hot new racer has entered the competition, and some of the old hands have improved greatly, so that the best we could muster in the six races we entered was a second in a field of fourteen. (The worst was a bit lower, but we'll pass over that.)

I blame Linda, of course. If she hadn't shown so convincingly in the Maris Stella regatta just how inferior we West Coast sailors are, we wouldn't have known any better and so would have gone out and kicked everyone's butt. However, all this really means is that we'll have to improve in the next series, which runs on October Saturdays. So get ready for the 2004 LBI series, cause we'll be practicing out here.

In the meantime, good luck to Linda in her running this weekend. Three five-plus-mile trecks.... I wish I could be doing it too!

Tuesday, September 09, 2003


i saw your gloves on the edge of the flower boxes down by where we kept the beach chairs and i think i pointed them out to someone when we were packing to leave so i think stu might have them. can't help with any of the other stuff though... has anyone seen a blue and silver beaded bracelet?
Has anyone seen my sailing gloves? They are red. They didn't make it back with me or else they are hiding very well. Also, has anyone seen a cd in a very slim case (I think it is red also, like my gloves) with U2 music. Also I think I left a wrist watch in Uncle Bob's cabana. I left my cell phone in mom's kitchen but she mailed it to me. Thanks mom. Also my sunglasses. And then there were those velcro straps on Cher's boom. I seem to have lost my sailng skills somewhere between 7/2002 and 8/2003. I hope I find them by 2004.


Monday, September 08, 2003

krabby kyle is the winner!!! be sure to check your mailbox something exciting is sure to arrive before long... nice going, surfer dude

p.s. i wore my s.b.s.p. boxer shorts on commercial street in p-town this weekend and got many compliments.
Dear Members,

I had a great summer at LBI and had fun catching crabs and sailing and kayaking and surfing and being net man.

Krabby Kyle

did some salt water fly fishing in provincetown yesterday and caught two crabs...

ross, i took care of your multiple postings

--administrator/commodore linda

still no input from dave. or stuart. or any of the crabbing society. so i will offer a prize to the next new poster - an item from the official 2003 msyc(&cs) catalogue ...

Saturday, September 06, 2003


I just wanted to share a website that I found that has sailing rules and a quiz setup that shows racing situations with fouls and protests and explains right of ways....

Starboard !!!!

Sailors and Crabbers,

We wrapped up the season just in time, Hurricane Fabian is blowing past Bermuda with winds of 120 mph and gust up to 144 mph. It should be working NJ soon.

With that much wind Dave's boat, Red Weather, might have a chance to beat Sunny and Cher.

2003 4th place finisher, Ross

Sorry about the multiple posts yesterday. I didn't understand the editing system.

Friday, September 05, 2003

Dear Members,

I just wanted to take a moment to recognize and honor the '2003 Crabbers of the Year'....

Graham : Most Crabs

Caroline : Biggest Crab

Kyle : Crabbiest Crab

Lauren : Net Girl of the Year

Marjorie : Honorable Mention Net Girl

Stuart : Dock Master

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

i just went out to 'downtown' la jolla for a burrito and i passed a r.c. catholic church / school named MARIS STELLA. they translate it... mary, star of the sea.

we raced last night...a second, a fifth and a ninth. oh well, if we sail a little better next week we will take a second over all for the series.

blogger, ross

Welcome to the 2003 Maris Stella Yacht Club
(and Crabbing Society)
Results Page

This year's regatta was a huge success, beginning with the world's slowest sailboat race ever, won by previous BL regatta champion and San Diego legend David Christie, on tuesday. Even with capsizing, Dave took a strong first and the rest of us were in awe. We decided to wait for more favorable conditions as this race really took its toll on all of us, including Stuart, who left early after an equally challenging afternoon of crabbing.

Day 2 brought its own challenges, beginning with Commodore Linda's trek through the pilings into the Sisters of Charity swimming area, finishing with a capsize and taking of the Lord's name in vain, well within earshot of at least one sister fishing from the dock. Penalty point for you Linda!

Thunder (and lightning) brought everyone in to shore, the boats were stowed, and the beers were passed around... when miraculously the sky cleared, the boats were brought out again, and we were ready for race #2: Ross, Linda and Stuart, to the channel marker and back. Stuart was the first to round the mark, with Linda a close second, Ross unfortunately off in the distance, last seen somewhere over by the island possibly looking for remnants of the Barnegat Bay Blob. Stuart did his best to keep his lead downwind, but Sunny was no match for Cher. I got you babe!!

Day 3 brought a well deserved rest day, with various members of the MSYC&CS spotted at the Beach Haven water slides. One member decided to forego the frivolities in favor of studying tapes of the previous races in seclusion.

Day 4. Friday. Now or never. Conditions were ideal. A thrilling first race between Ross (Sunny), Dave (Red Weather) and Stu (Cher), with Cher coming through with another first place finish (Sunny close behind), but not without controversy, as one-half of the finish line was mysteriously spirited away toward the lighthouse. This race marked the first ever BL regatta race to have an official committee boat!

The final race was to decide the winner, with Stuart and Linda each showing a first and second place in their previous attempts. Cher crossed the line with an uncontested first and Linda gets her name forever inscribed on the coveted Barnegat Light Regatta trophy for 2003.

Honorable mentions go to:

Ross: most innovative fashion accessories
Stuart: supplying the committee boat
Dave: knot tying guru